Oven with forced ventilation

Oven with forced ventilation Over with forced ventilation M120-VF

  • Descrizione
  • Caratteristiche tecniche

Oven with forced ventilation and natural convention.

Thanks to the high technology, it can be used for all the thermostatic applications which need particular precision.
External structure in steel, treated with anti-acid epoxy varnish.
Internal structure in stainless steel AISI 304 with rounded corners.
Double isolation door provided with silicon rubber sealing to guarantee an excellent sealing.
Thermal isolation with mineral natural fiber.
Temperature control by P.I.D. digital thermostat, to guarantee good stability.
Temperature range from +5°C above room temperature to +280°C.
Precision from ±1,5°C. to 105°C (VF), ±2°C. at 105°C (VN lt. 40 - 120), ±3°C. at 105°C (VN lt. 250 – 700), Precision display ±1°C.
For further protection, the oven is provided with an adjustable safety thermostat (range from +50°C to +280°C) with visual alarm and manual reset.
Internal anti-tilt shelves in steel, adjustable height.
Panel of control with isolated temperature.
Chimney with manual flux regulation.
Heating elements not in contact with the inner camera but in pre-camera to guarantee a uniform heating.
Bipolar general switch with light indicator
Built according to the C.E.I. norms (66-5)
Class 2, DIN 12880.

Inner Dimension
Volume (nominal) lt.
Width mm.
Depth mm.
Height mm.
Power supply
ASTM D1907/2260
Power W
Other features
Shelves supply
Temperature control
Digital display
a C. & B. Tessile Srl
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