pHelp4 model pocket pH meter


  • Descrizione
  • Caratteristiche tecniche

The pHep®, introduced in 1986, is the smallest and most economic ph meter in the world.

It is only 15 cm long, it weights 70 gr and it is for sure the ideal tool to execute fast pH detections.
The pHep® is based on the matching of an electrode and of a display which visualizes the measuring. The electrode is protected by an external epoxy very strong body and is provided with a protective hood which can be used as a container to effectuate measurements.
Precise, simple, strong, highly technologically advanced, the pHep® is the answer to the litmus papers which were used years ago.

Height mm 21
Width mm 150
Depth mm 30
Weight Kg 0,07
Technical Features
ph scale
da 0.0 a 14.0 pH
pH resolution
0.1 pH
pH precision ( 20° C)
+/- 0.1 pH
a C. & B. Tessile Srl
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